The Georgia PTCO and GEMS are very excited to put together a yearbook for the elementary school! This yearbook will cover grades pre-k through 4. We're planning a hardcover book with 40 to 60 full color pages featuring all students, staff, volunteers and the different activities that have been going on throughout the school year.

The cost of this yearbook is $40, available only via pre-order starting NOW through April 13th, 2024. We'll only be printing enough yearbooks to fulfill the orders we receive through April 13th, so please be sure to get your order in by then. The expected delivery date will be in late May.

If you'd like to get a yearbook for your family, but it's currently not possible, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before April 13th to let him know, we'll do our best to accommodate. Our hope is that every family who wants a yearbook can get one.

The ordering window for the elementary school yearbook has closed, thank you for your support!