The fundraisers to help the PTCO. Note that not all fundraisers are active all the time.

GEMS Spirit Wear Sale
- Written by: Georgia PTCO
In partnership with Fawn's Creations, the Georgia PTCO is now keeping its spirit wear store open throughout the school year to spread the school spirit and keep everyone in style. Great new items at new, lower prices. Fall sports are upon us, make sure you're equipped to handle the weather! You can choose to have your order shipped directly to your home, or from now through November 22nd. 2024, arrange pickup through the PTCO to save on shipping cost (with planned delivery around mid-October). Get some great clothes and accessories to represent your local school, and support the Georgia PTCO at the same time, it's win-win!

Take-and-Bake Pizza Fundraiser with JJ's Place
- Written by: Georgia PTCO
Many of us can't get food delivery...
The PTCO and JJ's Place are here to resolve that!