Each year the PTCO provides GEMS teachers the opportunity to apply for Mini-Grants to fund expenses outside of the regular scope of the school budget. See Julie Johnson's testimonial below!

“We are so thankful that every year the Georgia PTCO gives our teachers and special educators at the Georgia Elementary School Preschool Program the opportunity to purchase new and exciting materials for the preschoolers to explore! The PTCO is a wonderful resource for the GEMS Preschool Program. Each year, the preschoolers look forward to getting new sand for our sandbox. Having the sand delivered to the sandbox is an exciting event! Children and teachers were able to fill our new raised beds with garden soil this fall. We can’t wait to grow plants in the spring! Not to mention, that the teachers were able to purchase an abundance of diverse new materials for their classrooms with grant funds. Thank you so much Georgia PTCO!” - Julie Johnson, Early Education Director